Architectural visualizations |
In time of world finacial crysis It’s more important than ever to get to the clients. No matter whether You are a building construction
campany or a interior design studio You need to persuade the client to put You in charge for building or furnishing his home. In the last
several years the tendention is to visualizate your building or interior even before you building it. Less than 5 percent of the people buy
something and have no idea what It will look like so If you want to cover bigger range of clients You must use the services of visualizator. If You still don’t have one, I can be the one who is going to make your visualizations. |
Product & Industrial visualization |
It’s difficult time for the world’s ecomony. So It’s very important to optimze the expenses and the money You lost on products that
fails. One way of doing It is by using the services of visualizator who is goint to visualizate your products before you invest big amound
of money. In that way You can make social research. If It turns out that the product is not a successful one You lose nothing compared
to the big ivestments you saved. If You still don’t have one, I can be the one who is going to make your visualizations. |
Works for fun |
Computer graphics that I've made just for fun. After all this was just a hobby at the begining. |